I have two polls up, and would appreciate your participation.
I need to know color (or colour) combinations you like. It doesn't have to be your favorite/favourite, but just ones you really enjoy.
I also need to know your favorite color/colour.
With both polls, you can select more than one answer, so click away!
Please use this post to add additional comments if you need to, such as a colour combination I missed, or if you prefer baby blue or slate blue over royal blue. I know I didn't get every colour combination listed and when you say "blue" different people have different shades that pop into their head, so please leave a comment to your favourites!
Karlee - pretending to be a mad designer, crayons in hand!
A Total Blackout so Make Hay While the Sun Shines!
2 months ago
9 Unique comments:
Pink and purple are a good combo to put together P :)
I don't see my choices up there. So I will tell you here. Earth Tones, Earth Tones, Earth Tones. Everything I have purchased on AF I have made a private request for Earth Tones!
Did I say I like Earth Tones?
rust, brown, green, beige
Hmmm...idea....sage green and dark rust?
Whoot! I like those too!
Another combo is red-Purple and Lime, and also with a turquoise thrown in with them.
I really like Earth tones too!
I also like purple and blue together. Both in light shades and dark shades. I love dark purple with royal blue.
I /DO/ accept custom orders! =)
Here in a while, I'll have some new listings as well as pictures for you to see. I only have two working patterns right now, but can customize them in nearly any way you want. I will have other listings for custom bags where you can input special things like inside pocket, no pocket, reversable, specific colors, smaller or larger sizes, different ways to attach the strap, one strap or two straps, divider down the middle...the sky is the limit!
I love blacks and pinks, but I don't know how well that'll work with you designs. lol. But black and pink together looks awesome. I have a dress that fades from black at the top to pink at the bottom. I have that same dress in white at the top and pink at the bottom. It looks amazing in my opinion. =)
I got about 3/4 of a yard of black with a funky pink design on it last time I dug through the remnat bin at the store! LOL
I think I could make it work with either a matching pink or basic black.
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